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GRC component which is a glass fiber reinforced cement composites English abbreviations, the main source is in Europe and the United States, and the technology is from Europe and the United States, which is the mixing of alkali resistant glass fiber, cement, sand and other composite materials according to a certain proportion, in the die casting and moulding to produce rich modeling, texture, a variety of products, and also received a widely used and well received by the majority of the people loved.

In fact, this GRC component in the use of the above are used to be very wide, but because of the different GRC components of stone they also have different degrees of radiation. According to Chengdu GRC, the highest is red and green, white, black is the lowest. So to remind you that:

For this kind of granite stone can not be in the use of a large number of indoor, especially do not use in the bedroom, children's room; also note that is if the home use natural marble laying, it is necessary to take to dilute the pollution ways to reduce pollution.